Financial Planning
Establishing a sound financial plan, or road map, is a little like eating right or exercising--we all know it is a good idea but when it comes to actually doing it . . . well, let's just say many have good intentions.
(Related: What's your money personality?)
At Strive, our goal is to create easy-to-understand, comprehensive, and successful financial plans for everyone.
A well-thought-out and structured financial plan should provide guidance, clarity, and peace as you work toward your financial goals. Your plan should also serve as a trusted reference point. At Strive, we build financial plans from the ground up; every plan is different.
Here's how the process of creating your plan works:
Initial Meeting. We'll set up an appointment to visit with you and (when relevant) your spouse for one or two hours. This visit can be in our offices or at your home, wherever you are most comfortable. This meeting can be in the evening or on weekends, when necessary. We'll spend the majority of the appointment taking notes and listening to you speak about your goals, hopes, and concerns. We'll also review your financial documents.
Preparation. In preparation for the initial meeting, we'll ask you to gather your financial documents, whether digitally or in print. Where relevant, these documents could include 401(k), IRA, and other investment and retirement account statements, mortgage statements, life insurance policies, will and trust documents, your most recent tax return, household budgets, stock option or restricted stock information from your employer, social security information, and any other financial document you have questions about.
Plan Creation and Recommendations. After our initial meeting, we use the notes from our conversation and your financial information to get to work on your plan. We'll take 3-7 days (typically) to model various scenarios and work out the details of your plan using the latest technology. We'll then set a second appointment with you to walk through various strategies and present our recommendations for how you can meet your financial goals. We'll take time to answer all of your questions and make any necessary adjustments.
Plan Implementation and Management. With your plan completed, you will have the option of having Strive implement and manage your plan. Please click on the Wealth Management tab for more information.
Sample Plans and Helpful Resources.
Creating Your Retirement Lifestyle Plan